Administrator Guide 2017
Concepts - Report processing variables

Report processing variables are used to customise report processing, especially in relation to the text of e-mails and generation of file names. This means that entering “This is a report for ’ replaced with the actual customer name (eg Mr Smith) to generate the text "This is a report for Mr Smith" in the final report.

Report Processing Variables must have both a leading and trailing “%” (eg "" will NOT be correctly interpreted).

Fields which use Report Processing Variables can accept any number of them in any order with any number of iterations. Any text which is not recognized as a Report Processing Variable is left as-is (ie ").

Setting up a sequence calculated item type

Setting up a sequence calculated item type


The customer's current name. This is not backward compatible, so if the customer's name has changed since the form was filled in the new name will appear.


The customer's current location as selected on the device. This is not backward compatible, so if the location name has changed since the form was filled in the new name will appear.


This is a date/time stamp in the format YYYYMMDD"T"HHMMSS


The date part of DATE: YYYYMMDD


The year part of DATE: YYYY


The month part of DATE: MM


The Sunday starting the week of DATE: YYYYMMDD


The Monday starting the week of DATE: YYYYMMDD


The unique ID given to the report. For example, FD8DFE2D-33A7-4761-A1E8-4448DE4C1541


The full web link that points to the report


The name for this installation of magic5


The current date/time in the format YYYYMMDD"T"HHMMSS




The year part of CURRENT_DATE: YYYY


The month part of CURRENT_DATE: MM


The Sunday starting the week of CURRENT_DATE: YYYYMMDD


The Sunday starting the week of CURRENT_DATE: YYYYMMDD


The first and last name of the user completing the form


The customer name. This IS backward compatible and will display the customer name at the time the form was completed.


The location. This IS backward compatible and will display the location at the time the form was completed.
Setting up a unique name for an item type

Setting up a unique name for an item type


The value of an item in the current template which has the unique name of "xxxx". Unique names are automatically allocated to all items in a template, but can be overwritten during set up to make them more meaningful. This report processing variable means that any data item on the device can be used in the corresponding action.

Further date formatting

In general you can control how the dates come out in server actions as follows:

Instead of using %@[unique name]%you can use %@[unique name]_Format_[dateformat]%

For example, instead of %@FromDate% you can use %@FromDate_Format_ddMMyy%


In this case, [dateformat] controls which parts of the date are shown.  For example, using dd MMM yyyy,

  • dd is the day, with a leading 0 if it’s before 10th
  • MMM is the month in a form like Apr
  • yyyy is the full year

Standard date formats include:

d: 15/6/2008
D: Sunday, June 15, 2008
f: Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:15 PM
F: Sunday, June 15, 2008 9:15:07 PM
g: 15/6/2008 9:15 PM
G: 15/6/2008 9:15:07 PM
m: June 15
o: 2008-06-15T21:15:07.0000000
R: Sun, 15 Jun 2008 21:15:07 GMT
s: 2008-06-15T21:15:07
t: 9:15 PM
T: 9:15:07 PM
u: 2008-06-15 21:15:07Z
U: Monday, June 16, 2008 4:15:07 AM
y: June, 2008

Sample dateformats include:

h:mm:ss.ff t = 9:15:07.00 P
MMM yyyy = 15 Jun 2008
HH:mm:ss.f = 21:15:07.0
dd MMM HH:mm:ss = 15 Jun 21:15:07
\Mon\t\h\: M = Month: 6
HH:mm:ss.ffffzzz = 21:15:07.0000-07:00


See Also


Job definitions